Entrevista com Vibhanshu


Posição: Estágio Purchasing Logistics
Duração: 7 meses
Unidade de Negócio: Purchasing

O que você mais gosta em ser estagiária da Henkel?
Henkel is a company where interns get exposure to develop themselves based on industry requirement and learn the implementation of theoretical knowledge on practical jobs under the guidance of assigned mentors. In the company, interns are welcome to pitch their ideas on any topics like digital transformations, Sustainability etc. to the higher management which gives a flexibility to think out of the box.

Qual o melhor aprendizado que você levará após estagiar na Henkel?
This Internship helped me to enhance my skills in the areas of working methodologies, technical knowledge, negotiation, presentation, communication etc.

Você considera a Henkel como um futuro empregador? Por quê?
I joined Henkel as an intern and got several opportunities to show my potential to the company. I have been with the company from last six months and was involved in several projects which was well in lined with my area of interest. I consider Henkel is a good platform to get strong foundation in terms of experience which is the reason why I would like to join Henkel for my bright future.

Qual é o fator mais fascinante de trabalhar na Henkel?
I have been a part of various events like festival celebrations, sports, social services etc. at Henkel and experienced the extreme joy and happiness with colleagues. These events encourage social activeness and build good relationships between employees beyond their daily routine works.

Qual é a exclusividade de trabalhar na Henkel?
Opportunity to directly involve in various projects and manage to handle the responsibility under the guidance of a Mentor.

Descreva a Henkel em três palavras.
Trabalho em equipe. Responsabilidade. Diversão.